Understanding a 401k Retirement Plan for Your Employees

Depending on the age of your employees, they might not be familiar with a 401k retirement plan. What’s more, you might be among the crowd of the uninformed yourself. We can help you understand just what kind of retirement plans are available to your employees. How Did...

Looking for Payroll Services? Ask These 4 Questions

As a C-level executive of your organization, you know your payroll management staff can’t handle in-house payroll services any longer. Perhaps they don’t have the professional know-how to maintain compliance on state and federal tax forms for your employees – and the...

Are Flexible Spending Accounts An Affordable Option?

No one knows how the Affordable Care Act (“ObamaCare”) will pan out for 2018 and beyond. In the meantime, employers are having a difficult time offering affordable healthcare benefits to their employees. The timing is critical as healthcare costs continue to rise and...

Tips for More Effective Payroll Processing

We work with payroll managers to save significant time through payroll processing. As a payroll manager, how much time do you spend on payroll processing? If your organization wants to grow, payroll demands will only become more time-consuming and complex, what with...

Wage Theft Prevention Act (WTPA) – New York

Section 195 of the New York Labor Law, requires all employers, other than governmental agencies, to give employees at the time of hire (before work is performed), notice of the following: The employee’s rate or rates of pay The overtime rate of pay, if the...