Spring Cleaning Your Leadership Checklist

In a recent edition of the New York Times, Daniel Goleman summarized his key list of leadership imperatives. There’s no breakthrough learnings in Mr. Goleman’s list but it serves as a constant reminder of the distinction between managing and...

Is It Time to Put the Performance Review on a PIP?

Recently, the Society of Human Resources posted the following article which continues the movement towards alternative performance management processes that more realistically reflect the nature of how work is performed and communications around performance are more...

Individual Health Plan Premium Reimbursement Delay

The IRS recently issued a notice that provides transitional relief to small employers who provide reimbursements for their employees to purchase individual health insurance on the marketplace. With that relief, however, the IRS also clarified that the new...

Reminder: OSHA 300A Forms Must Be Posted by February 1

Have you prepared your OSHA 300A Form to be posted by February 1, 2015 yet? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) mandates that all employers who are required to maintain the OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses post a summary of the...