Who is Asure HCM built for?

Companies that want (need) to grow

Time is Money

Executives who must focus their energy on growing their business, not administration

Growth Companies

Growth means more people to pay, new tax requirements, and complex HR regulations

Broken Payroll & HR

Manual processes with Payroll, HR, Benefits, and Time Tracking data in separate systems

War for Talent

The labor shortage is making it harder than ever to find talented hard-working people

When it comes to growth, people and cash are scarce. Put all your people and money into growth and leave the admin burden to us.

– Pat Goepel, CEO at Asure

What growth challenges does Asure HCM solve?

HR Complexity

  • Federal, state & local compliance
  • HR technology stack
  • Back-office scalability

Save Money

  • Allocation of resources
  • Client facing vs. back-office
  • Growth vs. overhead

Hire Great People

HR Software that helps you find, on-board, develop, and retain the talent you need to grow your business.

What growth challenges does Asure HCM solve?

Scalable, compliant infrastructure

Payroll and HR is our core, so you can focus on growth knowing we have the technology and systems in place:

  • Compliant with federal, state, and local HR laws and tax jurisdictions

  • Technology and process controls to keep your data safe

  • Administrative burden off your plate

Cash flow aligned to growth

You’ll conserve cash for investing in growth and customer facing headcount rather than back-office overhead.

  • Low up-front & costs on a predictable subscription basis

  • Software delivered in the cloud — no IT support expense

  • Scale to 1,000+ employees without expensive upgrades

More productive teams

It’s people that will get you to the next level. With Asure, you’ll have the tools to build a great team.

  • Software to attract, develop, and retain key staff

  • Self-service tools that improve employee engagement

  • Save time with automated HR processes

Why Asure?

Reason #1

We’re big, based on small

Why big matters

Payroll and HR are critical functions. Labor laws are increasingly complex, fraud is on the rise, and a data breach can bring a company to its knees.

As a publicly traded company with more than 100,000 clients, we’re big enough to have the financial strength, R&D, infrastructure, and process controls to give you peace of mind.

    Why small matters

    Because most of our customers are small and mid-sized businesses, we understand your passion and feel your pain. We sweat the details because we’re an extension of your team.

    Compliance and accuracy are minimum requirements. Our ultimate success is based on yours — that’s why our mission is to help you succeed and grow.

      Why Asure?

      Reason #2

      Centers of Excellence (COE) service delivery model

      Decentralized “local” support

      Our decentralized Center of Excellence (COE) model works because it values relationships and accountability over efficiency.

      You’ll feel the personal touch from your dedicated account team in an office nearest your business. Your calls wont go into a giant call center where they read from scripts and transfer you from one silo into another. You’ll be on a first name basis with the Asure team dedicated to your success.

      Ownership at every step

      The personal touch you get is a good thing. But, your dedicated account team is designed to maximize communication and accountability.

      Your implementation specialist works in the same COE as your CSR, support rep, and tax specialist. If there’s a problem, they don’t have to escalate a ticket into some black hole, they simply walk over to a team member and fix the problem.

      Safe, secure technology

      Because Asure is a publicly traded company (NASDAQ: ASUR), we’re held to the highest standards in security.

      We are fully compliant with ACH banking rules governed by the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) and have SOC 1 Type 2 certifications to prove it.

      All of our systems and customer data is hosted in the cloud with Amazon Web Services (AWS). This ensures the very highest levels in security, up-time, redundancy, and scalability.

      Why Asure?

      Reason #3

      Focus on HCM for growth

      Growing your company requires compliance with labor laws, wise allocation of financial capital, and developing human capital capable of getting you to the next level.

      Asure’s HCM solutions keep you compliant and empower you to build a great team. And we do all of this in a financial model that allows you to spend money on growth, not back-office overhead.

        Unlock your growth potential

        Talk with one of our experts to explore how Asure can help you reduce administrative burdens and focus on growth.