Part-time employees are a valuable asset to many businesses, providing flexibility and cost-effective staffing solutions. However, when it comes to compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), part-time employees can have a significant impact on your business.  

This article aims to shed light on the role of part-time employees in ACA compliance, the calculation of their full-time equivalence, and how they affect your business’s overall employee count. 

Learn how Asure’s ACA Filing services offer compliance peace of mind while freeing you to focus on growth. 

Part-Time Employees and the ACA: A Complex Relationship 

The ACA introduces the concept of “full-time equivalents” to account for the potential variability in part-time employees’ work hours. Understanding how this calculation works is essential for businesses to accurately determine whether they fall under the ACA’s definition of an applicable large employer (with 50 or more full-time employees) or if they qualify for specific exemptions. 

Calculating Full-Time Equivalents 

To calculate full-time equivalents, follow these steps: 

  1. Total Part-Time Hours: Begin by aggregating the total hours worked by your part-time employees during a given month. These employees are defined as those working less than 30 hours per week.
  2. Divide by 120: After you’ve gathered the total part-time hours worked, divide this sum by 120. This step is essential to convert part-time hours into an equivalent number of full-time employees. The rationale behind this division is that 120 is the equivalent of a full-time employee working 30 hours per week for a month.
  3. Full-Time Equivalents: The result of this calculation represents your full-time equivalents. When combined with your full-time employees, it provides the total average number of employees (full-time and full-time equivalents) per month over the prior year. 

How Part-Time Employees Affect ACA Compliance 

The inclusion of full-time equivalents in your employee count has several implications for ACA compliance: 

Determining Applicable Large Employer Status: By considering both full-time employees and full-time equivalents, you may find that your business surpasses the 50-employee threshold, thereby making you an applicable large employer subject to ACA compliance requirements.

Reporting and Documentation: If your business qualifies as an applicable large employer, you’ll be required to adhere to ACA reporting and documentation obligations. This includes providing health coverage that meets specific standards to at least 95% of your full-time employees.

Affordability and Minimum Value Standards: Your health coverage must be affordable for your employees, meaning that they should not have to contribute an excessive portion of their income toward premiums. Additionally, the coverage must provide minimum essential value to meet ACA standards.

Non-Compliance Penalties: Failure to comply with ACA regulations can result in penalties. Understanding your employee count and ensuring you provide the appropriate health coverage is crucial to avoid financial consequences. 

Best Practices for Managing Part-Time Employees in ACA Compliance 

Accurate Recordkeeping: Maintain meticulous records of part-time employee hours, ensuring you have a clear picture of their contributions to the full-time equivalent calculation. 

Regular Monitoring: Keep a close eye on your employee count, particularly if your business relies on a fluctuating workforce that includes part-time employees.

Stay Informed: Be aware of changes in ACA regulations and seek legal advice when needed to ensure ongoing compliance.

Offer Competitive Benefits: Offering health coverage to part-time employees can enhance your business’s ability to attract and retain talent. 


Part-time employees play a pivotal role in ACA compliance. Accurate calculation of their full-time equivalence is crucial for determining your business’s status under the ACA and ensuring that you meet the required standards for health coverage. Part-time employees are a valuable resource for many businesses, and understanding their impact on ACA compliance is a vital step in managing your workforce effectively while complying with healthcare regulations. 

Learn how Asure’s ACA Filing services offer compliance peace of mind while freeing you to focus on growth. 

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