Hiring and firing are integral parts of any business. While finding the right candidate can be a game-changer for your team, retaining underperforming employees can have detrimental effects. In this article, we will delve into the importance of taking your time to hire wisely and the necessity of letting go when things don’t work out.

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Hiring with Care

When it comes to hiring, many managers have experienced the urge to cut corners due to desperation. It’s easy to fall in love with the first candidate who seems like a great fit. However, this impulsive decision-making can lead to problems down the road. To avoid these pitfalls, it’s crucial to remember a few key principles:

Minimum of Three Candidates: Even if you’re smitten with one candidate, always consider at least three serious contenders. Other applicants might bring unique skills or perspectives to the table that you haven’t considered.

Right Talent Over Personal Preference: While it’s essential to like the person you’re hiring, it’s even more critical that they possess the right skills and qualifications. Sometimes, the ideal candidate may not be the one you naturally gravitate towards.

Avoiding Hasty Decisions: Impatience can be costly. Resist the temptation to hire someone who’s almost the perfect fit but not quite. Taking the time to find the right candidate will pay off in the long run.

Reference Checks: Never underestimate the importance of reference checks. They can reveal crucial information about a candidate’s work ethic, attitude, and past performance.

Surprises Can Be Positive: Interviewing multiple candidates can yield unexpected benefits. You might discover someone who brings a fresh perspective or a hidden talent that aligns perfectly with your team’s needs.

The Cost of Holding On

Firing employees can be one of the most challenging aspects of management. We often hold onto underperforming team members for too long, hoping they will improve. However, this reluctance can come at a significant cost:

Resource Drain: The time and energy spent trying to coach and develop an underperformer can divert resources from other team members who are thriving.

Team Morale: Keeping a poorly performing employee can erode the morale of your high achievers. Talented individuals may become disillusioned if they see their efforts being undermined by a struggling colleague.

Business Impact: Ultimately, an underperforming employee can negatively impact your business’s bottom line. Delays, mistakes, and missed opportunities can be costly.

Watch our video with special guest Elizabeth Gore, Managing Talent: Secrets to Small Business Success.

The Art of Firing

Firing an employee is never pleasant, but sometimes it’s the right decision for both parties. To make this process smoother and less painful, consider the following:

Set Clear Expectations: Ensure that employees understand their role and performance expectations from the beginning. This makes it easier to evaluate and address issues as they arise.

Performance Metrics: Implement performance metrics and give employees a chance to improve. A 30–60-day window for improvement, with clear benchmarks, can provide a fair opportunity for them to succeed.

Compassion with Accountability: Be compassionate but also hold employees accountable for their performance. Offering support and guidance during the process can make it more manageable.

No Regrets: In most cases, once you’ve let an underperforming employee go, you’ll find that you don’t regret the decision. You’ll often regret hiring the wrong person more than firing them.


In the ever-evolving world of business, hiring the right talent and making tough decisions regarding personnel is a crucial skill for managers and business owners. Taking your time to hire wisely and having the courage to let go, when necessary, can lead to a more successful, harmonious, and productive workplace. Remember, it’s not about being quick to hire or slow to fire; it’s about making the right choices at the right time for the benefit of your team and your business.

Asure supports 100,000 small and midsize businesses in all 50 states. Learn more about how partnering with Asure can help you grow your business.

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