The shift towards remote work has brought about a fundamental change in the way businesses operate. Entrepreneurs, business owners, and managers are now faced with the challenge of adapting to this new normal. It’s crucial to understand that transitioning to a virtual work environment isn’t simply a matter of replicating traditional in-person practices. To thrive in this digital landscape, organizations must reimagine their management practices and foster effective team dynamics. 

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Revisiting Management Practices 

One of the most significant misconceptions about remote work is the assumption that old management practices, designed for face-to-face interactions, can seamlessly translate into a virtual setting. However, this assumption often leads to suboptimal results and decreased productivity. In reality, managing remote teams requires a different approach, one that acknowledges the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the virtual work environment. 

Employees are indeed “voting with their feet,” as the demand for flexible work arrangements continues to rise. To meet this demand and ensure success in the virtual world, businesses must be willing to adapt their management practices. This adaptation extends to team leadership, communication, and the overall coordination of tasks. 

Virtual Coworking: Fostering Collaboration from Afar 

One effective technique that can help bridge the gap between remote work and in-person collaboration is virtual coworking. This practice involves team members coming together in a video conference call for about an hour. In this virtual space, individual work is the focus, and the primary objective isn’t collaboration but rather coordination and quick access to information. 

In a virtual coworking session, team members keep their video cameras on or off based on their preferences, and their microphones are typically muted. However, the key feature is the ability to ask questions promptly. When an individual encounters an issue or has a question, they can unmute their microphone and ask for help. This approach encourages real-time problem-solving and fosters a sense of connection among team members. 

During these sessions, it’s common to see junior team members seek guidance and insights from more experienced colleagues. These interactions provide invaluable on-the-job training and help newcomers integrate seamlessly into the team. Virtual coworking essentially replicates the experience of working in an open office, where spontaneous conversations and quick question-and-answer sessions occur naturally. 

Building Stronger Bonds and Encouraging Learning 

One of the notable challenges of remote work is the potential for isolation and disconnection among team members. Virtual coworking sessions address this issue by allowing colleagues to interact casually while still being productive. These brief conversations can help build stronger bonds and encourage camaraderie, contributing to a positive team dynamic. 

Additionally, this approach provides an efficient mechanism for resolving queries and addressing challenges in real-time. Team members no longer have to wait for email responses or schedule formal meetings to seek assistance. Instead, they can turn to their virtual coworking session for quick answers, enhancing productivity and reducing frustration. 


The transition to remote work requires a shift in mindset and management practices. To succeed in this virtual world, organizations must recognize that remote work is not a simple “lift and shift” operation. By embracing techniques like virtual coworking and adapting to the changing dynamics of work, businesses can thrive in the new normal and foster a more connected and productive remote workforce. 

Learn about Asure’s HR services to help you grow your business. 

Watch our video, Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams with special guest Dr. Gleb Tsipursky. 

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