In today’s interconnected world, social media has permeated every aspect of our lives, including the workplace. As employees engage in online interactions, employers face the challenge of addressing harassment and inappropriate behavior in the digital realm.

This article delves into the importance of employer policies on social media harassment and provides insights on navigating this complex issue.

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Applying Workplace Standards to Online Conduct

Employers must recognize that online conduct, including social media interactions, should be subject to the same standards as harassment that occurs within the physical workplace.

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) oversees certain aspects of workplace conduct, necessitating careful consideration of harassment policies in the digital age.

Crafting Effective Social Media Policies

Incorporating Existing Policies

Employers can establish clear expectations by explicitly incorporating their equal opportunity, non-discrimination, and anti-harassment policies into their social media guidelines. This approach ensures that employees understand that these policies apply equally to their online conduct.

Providing Specific Guidelines

To address social media harassment effectively, employers should include provisions in their policies that prohibit threatening or obscene posts. Offering specific examples of prohibited behavior helps employees understand the boundaries and avoids vagueness that could impede enforcement.

Extending Anti-Bullying Policies

Just as anti-bullying policies apply to in-person interactions, they can reasonably encompass online bullying as well. By extending these policies to social media, employers maintain consistency in addressing harassment issues across different platforms.

Navigating Workplace Relationships in the Digital Realm

Addressing Supervisor-Subordinate Interactions

Employers should exercise caution in managing social media interactions between supervisors and subordinates. Some companies adopt policies that discourage supervisors from “friending” their subordinates on non-professional social media platforms. This approach helps preserve privacy and mitigates the risk of inappropriate relationships or favoritism.

Promoting a Respectful Online Environment

Proactive Measures

By proactively addressing social media harassment and inappropriate behavior, employers foster a safe and respectful online environment for their employees. This demonstrates the company’s commitment to upholding a workplace culture that values diversity, equality, and professionalism.

Balancing Rights: Privacy and Free Speech

Striking the Right Balance

While it is essential to protect employees from harassment, employers must also respect employees’ rights to privacy and free speech. Developing well-defined policies that adhere to legal requirements and best practices enables employers to maintain a productive work environment while safeguarding employee well-being in the digital age.


Employers play a vital role in safeguarding workplace culture in the face of social media harassment. By establishing comprehensive and well-defined policies, employers can effectively address online misconduct while promoting a respectful and inclusive digital environment.

By embracing the challenges of the digital age, employers can navigate the complexities of social media harassment and protect their employees’ well-being in the ever-evolving landscape of online interactions.

Learn more about how Asure can help you craft compliant policies and an employee handbook to protect your business. 

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