In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerful platform for individuals to express their opinions and engage in discussions. This includes employees who may use social media to share their thoughts about their employers, workplace conditions, or even grievances.

As a result, many companies have implemented social media policies to regulate employee speech and protect their brand reputation. However, employers must be mindful of the guidelines set by the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to ensure that these policies do not infringe upon employees’ rights to engage in protected concerted activity.





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Confidentiality Policies: Striking the Right Balance

One common concern for employers is protecting confidential company information. While it is legitimate for companies to safeguard trade secrets and other proprietary information, the NLRB has determined that employees have presumptive rights to disclose the terms and conditions of their employment.

To address this, social media policies should provide clear examples of what constitutes confidential information. For instance, it may focus on trade secrets rather than general employee compensation, ensuring that employees understand the distinction.

Accurate Statements and Chilling Effects

Another aspect of social media policies is the requirement for employees to be honest and accurate in their online postings. While it may seem reasonable to expect accuracy, the NLRB has held that employees have the right to make inaccurate statements as long as they are not maliciously defamatory.

Strict accuracy requirements can have a chilling effect on employees’ speech, leading them to self-censor out of fear of disciplinary action. Employers should be cautious about imposing such requirements that infringe on protected speech.

Personal Gripes vs. Workplace Issues

Determining the line between protected employee speech and personal gripes can be challenging. The NLRB considers social media discussions as concerted activity when they involve a broader workplace issue and invite co-workers to engage. However, if an employee’s post solely reflects personal grievances without connecting them to workplace conditions, it may not be protected.

For example, a Facebook post complaining about a specific manager without any evidence of co-worker interaction would likely fall outside the scope of protected activity. Similarly, derogatory comments targeting customers may not enjoy protection unless they are connected to employment terms and conditions.

Navigating the Gray Areas

Employers should exercise caution when disciplining employees for their social media activities. There are gray areas where the NLRB has recognized the protection of certain discussions.

For instance, criticizing an employer’s tax withholding calculations may be considered protected if it sparks a discussion among multiple employees. When assessing the permissibility of disciplinary actions, employers must evaluate whether the speech relates to employment conditions and whether it involves a group or individual expression.


As social media continues to evolve and play a significant role in communication, employers must understand and abide by the NLRB’s guidelines regarding employee speech.

By crafting social media policies that strike a balance between protecting the company’s interests and respecting employees’ rights to engage in protected concerted activity, employers can create a positive and legally compliant work environment.

It is crucial for employers to review their policies regularly, provide clear examples, and seek legal guidance to navigate the complexities of employee speech in the digital realm.

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