The DOL has recently released a webpage full of resources, helpful information, model notices and FAQs related to COBRA Premium Assistance under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) for both workers and families and employers and advisers. These resources are there to help those impacted understand the law.  

You can find answers to Individuals/Workers FAQs such as: 

You can find answers to Employer FAQs such as: 

You can find model notices around the following: 

  • Model General Notice and COBRA Continuation Coverage Election Notice 

  • Model Notice in Connection with Extended Election Period 

  • Model Alternative Notice 

  • Model Notice of Expiration of Premium Assistance 

  • Summary of COBRA Premium Assistance Provisions under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 

  • Federal Register Notice 

Employers subject to COBRA and using Asure for COBRA administration, please look out for future communications detailing how Asure will support the COBRA Premium Assistance Program. 

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