In the fast-paced world of business, where technology often takes center stage, it’s essential to remember that organizations are fundamentally composed of people. Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship and the daily challenges faced by small business owners, the concept of unity has taken on newfound importance.  

In this article, we delve into the critical role of unity, belonging, and positivity in small businesses and explore how they directly impact performance. 

Asure partners with 100,000 small and midsize businesses in all 50 states. Learn how Asure’s HR experts can help you grow your business. 

Defining Unity in Small Business 

Unity, particularly in the context of small businesses, revolves around the notion that an organization should foster a sense of belonging and connectedness among its employees. While technology and business processes are vital, the heart of every successful enterprise is its human component. Creating unity within an organization involves recognizing and addressing the essential human need for belonging and connection. 

Surprisingly, the data speaks volumes about the significance of unity in small businesses. According to surveys, an astonishing nine out of ten employees consider belonging and feeling connected to something larger than themselves as a crucial factor in their work lives. This deep-seated need for unity has far-reaching implications, including enhanced engagement, improved performance, increased commitment, and greater job satisfaction. 

The Connection Between Unity and Performance 

At first glance, unity might seem like a touchy-feely, soft concept, but it has a profound impact on a small business’s bottom line. Here’s what the data reveals about the correlation between unity and actual performance: 

Enhanced Commitment: When employees feel a strong sense of belonging within their organization, their commitment to the company increases significantly. This heightened commitment is particularly valuable for small businesses that invest in their employees and aim to retain them. 

Elevated Engagement: Engaged employees are less likely to be distracted by external factors and are more willing to immerse themselves fully in their work. They contribute their full potential to the organization, which is essential for small businesses operating in a competitive market. 

Increased Satisfaction: Job satisfaction plays a pivotal role in employee performance. When employees experience a higher sense of belonging, their job satisfaction soars, resulting in a happier and more motivated workforce. 

Boosted Effort: Even a slight increase in effort from each employee can have a significant impact on a small business’s overall performance. A satisfied and engaged workforce is more likely to put forth that extra effort, ultimately benefiting the bottom line. 

The Positivity Quotient: A Critical Business Driver 

In addition to belonging, another critical factor influencing small business success is positivity. Positivity, in this context, refers to the overall attitude and atmosphere within an organization. It’s about creating an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and empowered. Small businesses that prioritize positivity tend to achieve their desired future states more effectively. 

Recent surveys have shown that employees value a sense of belonging and positivity even more than strategic goals. This shift highlights the transformative power of these seemingly soft and fuzzy concepts in the world of business. Unity and positivity are not just about creating a pleasant work environment; they are strategic tools for achieving business success. 

Fostering Unity in Small Businesses 

Creating unity within a small business requires a deliberate effort and a clear strategy. Here are some steps to help small business owners foster a sense of belonging and positivity: 

Reconnect with Purpose: Encourage employees to understand the broader impact of their work on individuals and the community. Emphasize how their contributions positively affect others’ lives. 

Open Communication: Create an environment where open and honest communication is encouraged. Encourage feedback and active listening among team members. 

Recognition and Appreciation: Recognize and appreciate employees’ efforts and contributions regularly. Celebrate achievements and milestones as a team. 

Team Building: Organize team-building activities and events that promote camaraderie and a sense of belonging. 

Leadership Commitment: Ensure that leadership is fully committed to fostering unity and positivity within the organization. Lead by example. 

Continuous Assessment: Regularly assess the organization’s culture and make necessary adjustments to maintain a positive and inclusive environment. 


Unity, belonging, and positivity are not just lofty ideals but practical drivers of success for small businesses. By recognizing the deep human need for connection and fostering a culture of unity and positivity, small business owners can enhance commitment, engagement, satisfaction, and overall performance, ultimately achieving their business goals more effectively. 

Asure partners with 100,000 small and midsize businesses in all 50 states. Learn how Asure’s HR experts can help you grow your business.  

Watch our video 5 Crucial Actions That Build Unity and Foster Performance, with special guest Brad Deutser, Founder & CEO of Deutser, Bestselling Author, and Speaker. 

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