
If reconciling Q4 and year-end payroll taxes has you stocking up on aspirin and Pepto Bismol or in a firm state of denial, there’s hope and a better way.

We’ve got decades of experience guiding our clients through the challenges of quarter-end (QE) and year-end (YE) reporting requirements. Our expertise includes payroll tax processing in all 50 states and U.S. territories, including compliance with more than 11,000 different taxing agencies.

As a result, we understand the pressures of managing multiple deadlines, multiple taxing authorities and the multiple demands on your time.

Advance Planning Can Resolve Issues Before They Become Problems

A little bit of advance planning can help safeguard against mistakes and avoid the chaos of the last-minute, all-nighter, stale-pizza office party. We recommend a careful strategy of planning, organizing and stocking up on supplies, beginning as soon you have finished third-quarter filings.

This includes checking to be sure your payroll tax software is up-to-date and in compliance with any new requirements and deadlines. If you are processing payroll taxes manually or have issues with the payroll tax management software you are using, consider whether FlexTax® might be a better option for you.

It’s Not too Late if You Start Now

We can help you now but not in January if you kick the can down the road, so contact us today.

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