In a recent federal investigation, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has brought to light the severe consequences of workplace safety violations. The investigation centers around an incident that occurred in May 2023 at a work site in Oklahoma, where a trench collapse led to the tragic death of a project manager. The findings emphasize the importance of adhering to federal safety standards and taking appropriate measures to protect employees from workplace hazards. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

Contractor Failed to Follow Federal Safety Standards for Trenching and Excavation Work 

The incident involved workers employed by a contractor, who were engaged in placing gravel rock around a newly replaced 24-inch sewer line in a 10-foot-deep excavation. Tragically, the trench collapsed, leading to the fatal injury of the project manager. OSHA’s investigation determined that the company had not followed federal safety standards for trenching and excavation work, thereby exposing its employees to trench-related hazards. 

As a result of the investigation, OSHA cited the contractor for one willful violation, which stemmed from the failure to use protective systems in a trench deeper than five feet. Additionally, the agency identified serious violations, including: 

  • Failing to secure obstacles on the surface area near the trench. 
  • Not providing a safe means of entry and exit from the trench. 
  • Allowing standing water in the trench. 
  • Neglecting to perform daily inspections. 

The proposed penalties for these violations amount to $82,149, underscoring the gravity of the safety violations committed by the company. 

OSHA’s Response  

OSHA Area Director Steven Kirby in Oklahoma City expressed the significance of upholding workplace safety regulations. He stated, “A worker has lost their life because the.contractor disregarded its responsibility to ensure the safety of its employees. Employers are required by law to follow safety and health procedures that are put in place to prevent tragedies like this from occurring.” 

The contractor, operational for three years, provides a range of land management and construction services, including dozer operations, pond building, and land clearing. 

The company now has 15 business days from the receipt of citations and penalties to respond. They can choose to comply with the citations, request an informal conference with OSHA’s area director, or contest the findings before the independent Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. 


This tragic incident serves as a poignant reminder of the paramount importance of workplace safety. Compliance with safety regulations and federal standards is not just a legal obligation but a moral duty that can prevent accidents and safeguard the lives of employees. Small and midsize business owners should take this case as an opportunity to review their safety practices, ensure full adherence to safety regulations, and create a secure work environment for their employees. Ignoring these responsibilities can lead to severe consequences, both in terms of legal penalties and the loss of human lives. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

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