A tragic incident in Florida, involving a 29-year-old worker’s drowning has raised concerns about the importance of adhering to federal safety requirements in the workplace. The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) investigated the incident and found that the marine construction company involved had failed to follow required safety standards, ultimately leading to the fatality. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

Employee Drowned After Being Pinned Under Fallen Crane 

In March 2023, the employee lost his life after being pinned under a fallen crane in just five feet of water. The workers from the marine construction company were engaged in installing a piling foundation for a residential boat lift when the crane tipped over, plunging into the water. Tragically, the 29-year-old worker had been assigned to ride the load of the crane and became trapped under the crane’s hammer, resulting in drowning. 

OSHA’s investigation revealed several violations of federal safety standards by the company, which could have prevented this devastating incident. The violations included: 

  • Allowing workers to conduct pile-driving operations from a boat dock without approved buoyant vests. 
  • Failing to have a lifesaving skiff immediately available during offshore operations. 
  • Permitting an uncertified crane operator to operate the equipment. 
  • Failing to comply with the crane manufacturer’s stability and load capacity specifications for the crane. 
  • Allowing workers to ride the load attached to the boom of a crane during pile-driving operations. 
  • Operating a crane that was not physically secured to the barge. 
  • The consequences of these violations were grave, resulting in the loss of a young man’s life and the immense grief of his loved ones. OSHA Area Office Director Condell Eastmond in Florida, stressed that this tragedy was entirely preventable had the company met its responsibility and followed federal requirements. 

The Response 

OSHA issued the marine construction company nine serious citations and proposed penalties totaling $92,191, as mandated by federal statute for such violations. 

The marine construction company is a commercial and residential marine construction company based in Florida, with a focus on installing various marine structures, including seawalls, docks, pilings, boat ramps, floating docks, and boat lifts in South Florida. 

This heart-wrenching incident underscores the critical importance of workplace safety and compliance with federal regulations, regardless of the size or type of business. Small and midsize business owners must recognize their responsibility to ensure the well-being of their employees and adhere to safety standards. Negligence in this regard can lead to not only financial penalties but, more importantly, the loss of precious lives. 


The case of the marine construction company serves as a somber reminder of the severe consequences that can arise from disregarding safety regulations. Business owners must prioritize the safety and welfare of their employees, taking proactive measures to avoid potential tragedies and legal repercussions. Compliance with federal safety requirements is not optional; it is a fundamental duty that all employers must uphold. 

Asure’s HR experts help business owners comply with federal, state, and local employment laws. Learn how to protect your business here. 

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